
Pulmonary & Thoracic Ultrasound in New York, NY

close up of doctor's hand using pulmonary thoracic ultrasound machine

What Is A Pulmonary Or Thoracic Ultrasound?

A pulmonary or thoracic ultrasound is a noninvasive diagnostic test that produces images in order to assess the structures and organs within the chest, such as the lungs and the pleural space (the space between the lungs and the wall of the chest). An ultrasound provides a doctor with a quick visualization of what’s occurring within this space, all from outside the body.

Who Needs A Pulmonary Or Thoracic Ultrasound?

If you are exhibiting symptoms of pneumonia, pulmonary edema (excess water in the lungs), pleural effusion (fluid around the lungs), or pneumothorax (collapse of lung), including shortness of breath, chronic cough, or tightness or pain in the chest, Dr. Bowen may recommend that you undergo a thoracic or pulmonary ultrasound in order to accurately diagnose your condition. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bowen  or call 212.480.4062 to learn more. Appointments will be confirmed by office staff.

Pulmonary Or Thoracic Ultrasound Procedure

With a pulmonary or thoracic ultrasound, gel will be placed on a special device called a transducer as well as the skin in the area to be examined. This allows for smooth movement of the transducer over the skin to achieve the best visualization of what’s going on inside. The transducer emits ultrasound waves that move through the body to the organs and interior structures, bouncing off organs and different types of tissue and transmitting information back to the transducer. This information is then converted into an image that the doctor can view on a monitor to examine what is occurring within your chest.

Advantages Of A Pulmonary Or Thoracic Ultrasound

  • Performed in-office
  • Produces accurate results with quick turnaround in order to make a diagnosis
  • Doesn’t use radiation or contrast dye
  • Can be performed during pregnancy

Expectations After Undergoing A Pulmonary Or Thoracic Ultrasound

After undergoing a pulmonary or thoracic ultrasound, Dr. Bowen will immediately be able to determine whether you have a condition such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema (excess water in the lungs), pleural effusion (fluid around the lungs), or pneumothorax (collapse of the lung) – all from your bedside, within a matter of minutes. After making a diagnosis, Dr. Bowen will explain the options and next steps for treating your condition and restoring normal breathing function.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are suffering from shortness of breath, chronic cough, a tight chest or sharp chest pain, please contact our office to schedule an evaluation so Dr. Bowen can determine whether you need to undergo a pulmonary or thoracic ultrasound.

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